Fortune Isoka-Onwordi

Director of Communications

Fortune is a penultimate-year Land Economy student at Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is interested in the role of finance and entrepreneurship in Africa’s progression. This has led him to develop his financial acumen via the investment banking industry with him receiving offers from bulge bracket banks and securing a summer internship within the Global Markets division at a top investment bank. He is also a recipient of the competitive Bloomberg bursary. Extending from this, Fortune was previously a member of the Bank of England’s Youth Economic forum within the digital currencies team. Along with his team, he launched a national survey and developed strategies to increase youth interaction with digital currencies, one of such being a podcast series featuring industry experts. Currently, Fortune works as a consulting project leader for Bridges for Enterprise leading a pro bono consulting engagement with a Nigerian financial education start-up.

Fortune is excited to take on this role as Director of Communications and hopes to actively contribute to the agenda through increased awareness and engagement.